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How do you repurpose real estate content?

Did you know that 53% of marketers in Aussie organisations consider repurposing content as one of their top priorities? And this is no surprise.

Creating content takes a lot of effort and resources for real estate brands, so it makes sense to make the most out of it. When you have a quality piece of content that tells your story and can be repackaged in different ways, repurposing should be a no-brainer. It’s especially useful when your target audience is spread across various platforms or prefers consuming information differently. 

The main thing real estate brands often overlook is, you don’t have to constantly churn out new content. Instead, focus on reaching more people with what you already have. That’s where repurposing comes in. It breathes new life into your existing content, helping you reach new audiences. Repurposing content can be a game-changer — by repackaging your content, you save a ton of time in the content creation process.

Not only does repurposing extend the lifespan of your content, but it also helps you achieve your marketing goals. Whether you want to increase brand awareness, grow your audience, boost engagement, or generate leads, repurposing can make it happen.

Why is it important to repurpose your content?

Repurposing content is a simple yet powerful process where you take an existing piece of content — like a blog post, video, or podcast — and give it a fresh update or present it in a new format. Repurposing opens up multiple opportunities and advantages, like boosting your SEO by targeting your desired keywords, expanding your reach (and your reputation), and earning quality links back to your own site.

By repurposing your content for different mediums, you increase your chances of connecting with different (but still relevant) audiences online. Your original piece of content might have caught the attention of one group of customers, but with repurposing, you can engage another audience segment on a different platform.

It might feel overwhelming to decide which content to choose, but a good place to start is your evergreen content. These include high-quality and timeless content that is always relevant and consistently gets high traffic. Also, consider your most popular posts. There’s a reason why they’re popular — your audience obviously finds value in them and revitalising them can increase interest from new audiences. Finally, dig into your expandable topics. These types of content can be further improved on or updated as new information comes in throughout the years.

Repetition is also key when it comes to driving a message home. Studies show that people often need to hear a message multiple times before taking action. That’s where repurposing plays a vital role. By sharing your content in various places and formats, you reinforce your message and increase the likelihood of it sticking with your audience. It’s like embedding your words into their minds.

5 ways to repurpose real estate content

Instead of constantly starting from scratch when crafting content, capitalise on what you’ve already accomplished.

Here are five ways you can repurpose your existing content.

1. Write new blog posts

Transforming videos or podcasts into blog posts is a simple and effective strategy for real estate brands to showcase important themes and ideas in a captivating, in-depth format. Let’s say you’ve conducted a video interview with a real estate expert, delving into the latest trends in the housing market. By crafting a blog post from it, you capture the essence of the discussion, offering your audience a written resource that they can consume at their own pace.

Or let’s say you have a podcast episode titled “7 Ideal Property Investment Locations in Melbourne.” In this case, you can create individual blog posts for each location, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of investing there, along with compelling reasons why your audience should consider it for their next investment.

Another effective strategy is leveraging evergreen or popular “listicle” articles by transforming each bullet point into a standalone blog post. The possibilities are (almost) endless.

This blog piece can then be repurposed time and time again. You can highlight snippets in newsletters, flyers and social media posts. You’re creating a cycle where a top-quality blog post improves your search engine rankings and reaches potential clients who are actively searching for your services.

2. Create visual graphics

Graphics have an amazing power to capture the essence of your long-form content and convey the main themes and ideas in a nutshell. They’re like little nuggets of goodness that you can share on social media platforms, which are all about visuals these days.

These social media graphics are what we call ‘snackable content.’ They’re short and sweet, perfect for sharing on social media. The goal is to instantly grab people’s attention and provide value, whether by educating or entertaining them. They condense your key message and make viewers curious enough to dive into your longer content, like blogs or extended videos that require a bit more focus.

By repackaging your knowledge in a visually appealing way, you can position yourself as an expert in your field, and it’s a great way to attract more leads and boost your business growth. 

3. Develop an e-newsletter series

If you’re looking to break down your extensive content into smaller, more digestible pieces, one approach is transforming your blogs into engaging e-newsletter series. This strategy allows you to craft a compelling narrative that captivates readers and encourages their active involvement.

While email marketing holds great potential as a cost-effective and productive way to promote your business and services, its success hinges on well-structured and web-friendly copy. Without compelling content, you won’t achieve the desired results.

You may be wondering about the time and effort required to create a series of e-newsletters. The beauty of repurposing your existing content into a newsletter series lies in the fact that you already possess valuable material. 

Developing a series of newsletters doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task; rather, it can seamlessly integrate into your existing workflow. With content ready to repurpose, the process can be completed swiftly and efficiently.

4. Publish a guest post

Guest blogging presents a powerful opportunity to enhance brand awareness and establish yourself as a trusted authority within your industry. Prominent online publications like Smart Company and The Conversation offer avenues for real estate brands to showcase their expertise through blog features, enabling them to connect with an audience who may have yet to encounter the brand.

Beyond the immediate exposure, the impact of guest blogging extends to building credibility. Collaborating with respected sites sends a signal to their audience that you deserve attention. This association with trusted hosts enhances your reputation and establishes you as a reliable source of quality and expertise. It’s like leveraging their credibility to strengthen your own, creating an additional layer of trust for your audience.

Another significant advantage of guest blogging is the ability to drive valuable traffic back to your own website. By strategically incorporating relevant links within your guest posts, you can guide readers directly to your own content or services. This not only generates referral traffic but also increases the likelihood of attracting engaged visitors who may eventually become loyal followers or customers. It’s akin to leading them along a virtual breadcrumb trail that ultimately directs them to your digital doorstep.

5. Produce a podcast 

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular and offer a great opportunity to expand your audience. Hubspot revealed that in 2019, podcast advertising spending exceeded $650 million, with major players like Spotify, Google, and venture capitalists investing heavily in the industry.

To tap into this potential, assess your existing content and identify the topics that resonate most with your audience. Remember that a podcast requires sufficient content for multiple episodes. Whether starting from scratch or repurposing existing content, having enough material to sustain a series is crucial.

For example, you can adopt a pillar-cluster model. The pillar represents the main topic or theme, while clusters are smaller subtopics related to the pillar. Think of the pillar as a tree trunk and the clusters as branches.

With this approach, you can view your pillar content, like a long-form blog post, as a season of your podcast. Each section of the blog post serves as an individual episode, allowing you to plan a season’s worth of content around a consistent theme while avoiding repetition.

Real estate brands can score some amazing benefits by getting on board with repurposing their own content. It’s a game-changing strategy that not only helps real estate businesses reach and engage a wider audience but also saves them precious time in their busy schedules. 

Instead of starting from scratch every time, you can take your existing content and give it new life in different formats. This way, your repurposed content can effortlessly connect with diverse audiences on various platforms, boosting your brand’s online presence and establishing yourself as an industry leader. By mastering the art of repurposing, you can make your content work smarter, not harder.

Are you ready to maximise your published content? Contact us and we will repurpose your content into fresh and relevant pieces.

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