Personalised Content

Personalised content: Learn how Amazon, Netflix and Grammarly use it to dominate

The best kind of content is tailored to your preferences. It’s always satisfying to click through a post and enjoy it until the end. This is the power of using personalisation in your marketing strategy.

Successful businesses utilise personalised marketing as it helps them develop targeted content based on the data they collect from their customers. In comparison, traditional marketing utilises a more general range of advertising techniques, which can impact how effectively businesses reach their audience. Looking for an effective strategy for quality content and other services? Visit this copywriting services.

Personalised marketing helps you improve your brand and learn more about your existing customers through social listening. Social listening allows you to monitor online conversations about your brand, enabling your business to continuously create relevant content for your target audience.

What is personalised content marketing?

Personalised content marketing is a strategy that uses data based on customers’ purchases, browsing and sharing habits. It’s also called one-to-one marketing because the content that each customer is exposed to has been customised to their wants and needs.

Personalised content is unique compared to other kinds of content because of how quickly the algorithms can track customer data and adapt to their online behaviour. It’s important to develop a strong overall strategy so that you know what content to share on social media.

Why should you personalise your content?

Customers have learnt to tune out generic marketing material, and the majority of them are tired of ads taking up screen space. Personalisation has been forecasted as the driver of marketing success as it provides the “human” touch that customers are seeking from brand messages. 

An effective personalised content marketing strategy ensures that you protect customer privacy even as you utilise their browsing history to better meet their wants and needs. Because of this, your audience can receive relevant content from your business, which will build customer loyalty in the long run.

Other benefits of personalised content marketing include: 

  • Customer engagement and feedback
  • Brand affinity
  • Lead nurturing
  • Customer retention
  • Higher revenue

3 personalised content marketing campaigns that stand out

These three brands have effectively incorporated personalised content into their marketing strategies, enabling them to diversify their brand messaging and build their audience.

Read on to learn how they use personalised content to dominate their respective industries.

1. Amazon’s recommendation engine

Amazon’s recommendation system runs on an algorithm that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to provide a unique experience for each customer. One of the key goals of the Amazon engine is to promote product discovery, which is why customers find recommendations on every page.

Amazon uses several data to personalise customer recommendations, such as:

  • Recent purchases
  • Top picks 
  • User reviews

Like many other e-commerce platforms, Amazon utilises retargeting campaigns to present relevant content like the “frequently bought with” or “customers also bought” widgets so that you can easily find products that you’re most likely to add to cart and then check out. 

2. Netflix’s “watch next” algorithm

As the biggest streaming platform today, Netflix is constantly developing new content marketing strategies based on the data being processed into their machine learning algorithms. This includes the user’s profile, the shows they’ve previously watched and are saved on their lists, and even what users have removed from their recommendations.

Netflix is quick to identify patterns of your media consumption, which is why the Netflix recommendation algorithm is focused on providing a highly curated recommendations page based on your watch history. Even the art shown on the thumbnails of your landing page is created with your past habits as reference since the content is localised with your geographical region and cultural background in mind.

3. Grammarly’s weekly insight reports

Grammarly is the ideal digital writing aid as it takes user data into account and analyses it to show them how they can further improve their writing.

The weekly report focuses on the following key areas:

  • Productivity
  • Mastery
  • Vocabulary
  • Top grammar mistakes

This can give you insight on how to sharpen your writing, especially since the majority of people write different kinds of posts online. The weekly report also functions as an upselling strategy, encouraging you to sign up for the premium package with Grammarly.

Personalised content isn’t just the future of content marketing, it is also the current force that is pushing industry giants up for further success. Balancing the “human” element with technology (like machine learning algorithms) is a crucial aspect of creating quality content that is tailored to your target audience.

By leveraging the expertise of professional copywriting services, you can ensure that your personalised content marketing efforts are executed with precision, delivering compelling messages that resonate with your target audience and drive meaningful engagement.

We use our storytelling skills to create highly personalised and diversified content for our customers. If you’re ready to enter the playing field and become an industry leader, contact us now.


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