How consistent content makes finance brands dependable

Dwayne Johnson once said, “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”

And who could disagree with The Rock? Certainly not us.

As a finance brand entrusted with your client’s money and wealth, your target audience needs to see you as trustworthy and dependable — and this comes with consistent hard work.

Or consistent content, in this case.

Your target audience must feel confident in placing their money in your business’ hands. You need to demonstrate your expertise and credibility within your industry, which you can do by creating consistent content across all your official platforms.

Consistent content will allow you to effectively communicate with your prospects and your existing clients, encouraging them to engage with your brand and follow you for more content. This can potentially result in increased leads and conversion rates as you build your content.

What is consistent content and why does your finance brand need it?

Consistent content refers to the continuous creation of uniform content for various digital spaces and social media platforms on a regular posting schedule. While each content piece may discuss different topics and ideas, they all have a common or similar underlying theme and key message. 

Consistent content is crucial in maintaining the quality and performance of your finance brand over time. As you regularly publish high-quality content, you will increase audience retention and brand awareness as more visitors become loyal advocates of your brand. 

It might be tempting to create viral content, especially when you see competitors trending on social media, but consistent content is more effective in establishing credibility and creating stronger client relationships. Viral content is popular with the general public for a few seconds before it’s forgotten, but consistent content makes a lasting impression on your target audience.

How consistent content can help a finance brand establish credibility

As a finance brand, you need to demonstrate your credibility through consistent content to gain the trust of potential clients. 

Being consistent in your content and branding can help you improve in these areas:

  • Recognition – Regularly posting content on all your platforms will encourage your audience to quickly recognise your brand over time. Having a clear brand aesthetic for your logo and visual content will also help your audience associate your colour palette with your brand.
  • Credibility – Creating consistent and value-adding content that demonstrates your expertise will increase your credibility and authority in the industry, encouraging your audience to seek your brand as a primary source of information.
  • Efficiency – Having a lineup of content and a regular posting schedule in place can go a long way in increasing efficiency when it comes to your content marketing. This ensures that your platforms are constantly active and populated with relevant content.

Using consistent content will enable you to build brand awareness for your business, which is crucial if you’re just starting your brand. It’s a great way to introduce your business to your target audience and showcase what you can do for them. 

Even if you’re a more established company, being proactive in your content marketing initiatives is important in staying ahead of the game, especially when there are new entrants in the finance industry. 

How do you know what kind of content to create?

To be consistent in your content marketing initiatives, you first need to know the types of content you must create.

You can identify which types of content are best suited for your brand by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What content is most useful for your audience?
  • How well does your audience already know your business?
  • What medium is popular within your industry?
  • How much time and money are you realistically comfortable investing in content marketing?
  • How comprehensive is the content strategy that you expect for your business?

The answers to these questions will give you a clear idea of what kind of content you need to produce, as well as what kind of strategy you can implement to ensure that you’re consistent with your content creation process.

3 types of content finance brands can use to boost their credibility

There are three types of content that you can consider for your brand, and they cater to audiences with different content preferences.

1. Blogs

Long-form written content allows you to share industry knowledge with your audience, demonstrating your expertise and credibility. Comprehensive content gives your audience a deeper understanding of the topic, which can encourage them to avail of the products and services you provide.

In terms of brand visibility, blogs that are SEO-optimised have a higher likelihood of getting a better ranking on the search engine result pages. Search engine result pages refer to the web pages that generate resources and links that correspond to the keywords the user typed into the search engine. 

For example, if your target audience typed in “wealth management services in Melbourne”, your website (or your content) should ideally be found on the first two pages of the search engine results.

Creating high-quality blogs can help you drive traffic to your website and increase conversions in the long run.

2. Videos

Video content is preferred by time-poor clients who want to learn new information in a contained and dynamic medium. Video content allows you to highlight the key messages you want to share with your target audience while keeping it engaging and entertaining with impactful visuals and sound effects or music.

Short-form videos can also come in the form of piece-to-camera, wherein the business owner or a senior executive in the business talks about a specific topic, which can be about the latest industry trends, market updates or even a newly published blog. This allows you to make a human connection with your target audience, and it gives your viewers an opportunity to put a face behind your brand.

3. Social media content

Now that almost everyone is on social media, creating content for these channels is a great avenue for prospects to learn about your brand and understand how your business can help them. 

Of course, you can’t just post any old photo on Facebook. You need to produce social media content that reflects your key messages and brand values. 

Social media content is a good opportunity to promote any content you have on other official channels, such as blogs on your website, video content on YouTube or podcast episodes on streaming services.

Finance brands need consistent content in order to establish their brand as experts in the field which is crucial for building trust with clients. Consistent content can showcase the knowledge and expertise of finance brands which will lead clients to trust the brand. 

Learn more on how to increase credibility for your finance brand through consistent content. Book a call with us now.

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